I am a collector of ideas that help calm me. These are a few self-care activities that I participate in to help infuse some serenity into my life.
Meditation - I try to meditate regularly if only for a few minutes a day. I either recite meaningful phrases, one on the in-breath and one on the out-breath or I use an online guided meditation. Occasionally, when I've slacked off my daily meditation, I set a 90-day challenge and meditate every day to get me back into the habit.
Prayer - I use prayer regularly and it helps me to live in the moment. I've committed a few prayers to memory so I can recite them or say them in my head whenever I need a quick reset. The serenity prayer is quick and easy to remember and often is my go-to prayer. - God, please grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
A brisk walk in nature alone or with a friend. I have a short trail in my neighborhood that also has a brook running through it and it always makes me feel good to be there.
Deep breathing - I always make the out-breath longer than the in-breath. This signals the parasympathetic nervous system to calm the body down. Another one I like is to inhale for four seconds, hold my breath for four seconds and exhale for five seconds.
Make time to relax and enjoy the sunrise or sunset. If it does so over a body of water that is a big plus for me.
Almost anything while surrounding myself with water. Such as sitting by the ocean, a river, or a lake. Taking a hot bath with bubbles, candles, and a good book. Take a steamy shower, or sauna, or enjoy a hot tub.
Reading a good fiction story that I have been looking forward to.
Coloring - there are so many good adult coloring books out there. As soon as the colored pencil hits the page I feel relaxed. Where the biggest decision to be made is what color you want to use next. This is very grounding for me and keeps me in the moment.
Mindfulness - being present in any moment calms me. Absolutely anything can be done mindfully such as walking, eating, doing the dishes or other chores, talking to someone, or listening to music. I can go on and on. When I am right where my feet are planted I am not in anxiety over either the past or the future.
Listening to music. Whether dancing, singing, humming or quietly listening to my favorite artists.
Self-care - whatever I can do to take good care of my mind, body, and soul. Things as simple as putting lotion on my body or using a favorite face mask or treating myself to a manicure or pedicure. It also feels good to make myself healthy meals as well.
I hope some of these things resonated with you. Each of these is part of the tools I use to relax and maintain some calm in my life.
Take good care,
I can only please one person a day. Today I choose me. -- Unknown