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Weathering The Post Holiday Blues While Dealing With Mental Illness


Light at the end of the tunnel with mental illness post holiday blues.
During and after the holiday season can be tough while dealing with mental illness.

The holidays from Thanksgiving to New Year's can be a rough time for anybody, especially those dealing with active mental illnesses. I have heard this time period is called Hurricane Season. I have a tendency to want to make everything perfect which is a pressure I can do without. It is also a time when it can be overwhelming to deal with family. I do not talk or interact with my brother so it can be stressful when I am around him during the holidays.

After the holidays are over it can feel like a letdown. I slept twelve hours on the first of January and then took a two-hour nap during the next day. I was exhausted from the bustle of the season and trying to please everyone in my family.

I make sure I am getting adequate sleep, neither too little nor too much, take my medication regularly, get exercise and eat healthily. I also stay in close contact with my therapist and the safe people in my network. Self-care is also an important thing to be doing. I need to actively do things for myself, always and especially at this time of year.

Self Care Suggestions

  • Take a long hot shower or a bath.

  • Get a massage.

  • Light candles.

  • Color in an adult coloring book.

  • Make plans with an old friend.

  • Meditate.

  • Say affirmations such as I love and accept myself exactly as I am.

  • Read a book for pleasure.

Take good care,


Be like a Tree: Stay grounded. Connect with your roots. Turn over a new leaf. Bend before you break. Enjoy your natural beauty. Keep growing. -- Joanne Rapits

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