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  • Christine

Meditation For Those Who Live With Bipolar Disorder

Woman with bipolar disorder using meditation to quiet her mind.
Meditation helps to quiet your mind.

Meditation is one of the tools that I practice daily. It really helps me to quiet my mind. Most days my mind is very busy, and when manic the thoughts are rapid fire, so a break from those thoughts is very comforting and necessary. I have found that by meditating regularly I have helped create more space in my thinking. I have used the app Insight Timer frequently. There are many guided meditations on the app for free and if you choose to unlock hundreds more you can pay for a subscription. Another good app is Calm. I listen to the rain sounds which is very soothing.

Benefits of Meditation:

  • Eases anxiety and depression

  • Bolsters self-confidence

  • Reduces stress

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Improves sleep

  • Improves brain health

  • Can help curb addiction

  • Eases pain

  • Controls food cravings

  • Decreases blood pressure

The following meditations are two I learned from a course in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) which was created by Marcia Linehan:

Stone flake on the lake: Imagine that you are by a clear blue lake on a beautiful sunny day. Then imagine that you are a small flake of stone, flat, and light. Imagine that you have been tossed out onto the lake and are now gently, slowly, floating through the calm, clear blue water to the lake's smooth, sandy bottom.

  • Notice what you see, what you feel as you float down, perhaps in slow circles, floating toward the bottom of the lake, settle your attention there within yourself.

  • Notice the serenity of the lake. Become aware of the calmness and quiet deep within.

  • As you reach the center of yourself, settle your attention there.

Walking down the spiral staircase: Imagine that within you is a spiral staircase , winding down to your very center. Starting at the top walk very slowly down the staircase, going deeper and deeper within yourself.

  • Notice the sensations. Rest by sitting on a step, or turn on lights on the way down if you wish. Do not force yourself further than you want to go. Notice the quiet. As you reach the center of yourself, settle your attention there, perhaps in your gut or your abdomen.

Take good care,


The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched. They are felt in the heart. -- Helen Keller

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